Sunday, January 27, 2019

Support Dog Artists

Here is another dog lover, out of Atlanta, who can paint your pet. Great gift or fun present-to-self to hang on your wall.  Check out Jane and help support an artist that cares.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

New Entry - Yay

We are back. Same four as last year....Samson, Buddy, Shanti, and Glendal.  We get frequent visitors like my buddy Axel (rescued Boston mix) too.

We are all part of Denver Dog Rescue. That is Denver of the East (NC).    We are a charity organization, specializing in special needs dogs.  Special can mean a lot of things so to name a few:
elderly (Glendal),  ongoing medical conditions (Shanti and Sam), and handicapped (Buddy).  We do our best to help others with medical, behavioral, and financial concerns. 

DDR donates used equipment and new supplies; we always need dog houses, dog beds, dog blankets, wheel chairs, push strollers, diapers, wipes, diaper rash creme, butt wipes, paper towels, persil detergent, toys, treats, food, bowls, leashes and collars, and financial contributions.You name it it!

So thank you to all that have done so much for these dogs and the many we foster, rescue, transport, and support.

More soon. I promise.

Shanti. The lone wolf and only female. Also a laid back alpha.
Buddy's new Christmas sweater and tightie whities.
Cousin Axel and Buddy.  Rescued Bostons Rock!
Sam. Not quite patient waiting on his ride.

Samson. Big Brother. Sweet dog and can sleep in many odd positions.
Glendal. The old man. Does what he wants and gives the stink eye.

Buddy, Sam, and Glendal. All looking guilty but I am not sure of what yet.

Sam and Glendal in front of space heater.  Their first love.