Saturday, April 4, 2015

Funny of the day....

Truck full of love.

I get a lot of attention when I ride around with 3 to 5 dogs at any given time in my white pickup truck.  We have the extended cab so everyone has room (I mean ME).  I take my dogs on errands, trips, anywhere and anytime I can.

So today after a vet trip, we stop for a breakfast beverage and I leave my dogs in the truck, windows half down.  As I come out a nice older man tells me "you have beautiful dogs there".  I say "thank you".  Then he said "you have a truck full of love".  I smiled big.  Never heard that comment before- it was very sweet and true.

So I roll my windows up to drive down the road with my fresh beverage and smell at least 2 different dog farts at once. I laugh out loud as I think to myself..."what I have is a truck full of dog farts".

Enjoy your rides this weekend.

Living like a rock star is not so bad.

Everyone wants to hold me.  I let them. - Chloe