Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I keep having a bad feeling.....

Like I am about to fall but I know I am pointed up, right?! - Blind Buddy

On a serious note, Buddy underwent surgery to get new lens for both eyes due to juvenile cataracts. That, along with weak retinas pretty much rendered him blind.  He is now recovering and slowly regaining vision that will continue to improve over the next 3-5 weeks.   Two very cool observations:
1.  Before surgery, Buddy could only aim his head in the general direction of a noise and could not see me, objects, furniture, dogs, etc. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I saw Buddy sitting in my kitchen actually looking around, taking in the surroundings and I knew then he was starting to regain his vision!  His little eyes were focused in on everything around him and slowly he would go from one object to another.
2.  I have only had Buddy a month and when we play outside I will yell for him and he comes running. Most of the time he either runs into another dog or flies past me and doesn't stop until I call his name (misses me entirely).  Today as I walked around he jumped from about 3-4 feet away and nailed me in the leg, playing of course. I knew he had set his eyes on the target.

Both made me smile.  Much thanks to BTRNC for helping make it possible for one cool little dude to be able to see again.  Buddy freakin rocks.