Monday, November 11, 2013

Dog Treats made in China

3000 dogs in the US have now reportedly DIED eating treats made in China.  More have gotten sick.
We do not know the reason or cause so now the FDA is investigating.

It is mostly in smaller dogs who consume a lot of these treats but still know the signs as dogs can get sick and die in a matter of a couple of days.  They become sick, do not eat, lethargic and then organs start to fail. Many vets do not know the signs or have not seen any cases so we have to educate and inform each other.

So please do not buy treats that say "Made in China" on the bag and watch over everyone's pets.

Thank you.

Here in my secret garden, where no one can find me.

My own little private Idaho. - Maisy, completely unaware I was snapping shots
The sun is going down. I better get back to the house soon before mom starts to worry.