Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Great tips for training to kennel a dog at home....

If your new dog will be left alone for several hours every day, start crate training now, even if you are just in the next room or in the house while he is out in the back yard. He needs to learn he has to spend time without you. A dog that gets constant attention and then is suddenly left alone for eight hours may bark, chew, or develop other behavior problems due to separation anxiety. 

Train with food. Do not use the kennel for punishment. Throw a treat in so they will follow it and say "Kennel Up" or whatever you would like to use consistently. Soon enough the dogs do it on their own and you still give them the food reward. Dogs LIKE their crates if trained right and will often nap in them or seek solace there.

It is EXCELLENT advice! It makes complete sense and explains the behavior. It is like putting a 4 year old in a room all by himself for 8 hours and saying, "Ok, be GOOD, don't get BORED, and don't get LONELY." That is a tall order (impossible?) for an ADULT, much less a child or a pup. :(

Riley, my recent foster, was already 11 months old and did not willingly go in the kennel/crate here.  I used the above tips and it works. She is in there now, while I am out here typing.

(From 3 people involved with Boston Terrier Rescues in the SE sharing to educate others).  

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