Monday, January 16, 2012

Rounding error

Those of you in business are familiar with this term. Today I was out picking up poop in the yard. I am used to large dogs, large piles.  As I am almost done walking the yard, I realize I haven't found any "Buddy" poop (small Boston Terrier).  Then it dawns on me that with an acre yard, big dogs, and plenty of trees/natural area- Buddy's poo is simply a rounding error....too small to matter.

I kinda feel like it is the same thing with the number of dogs.  If you have 4 big dogs, what is one more small one? Who notices? And scary, but I have left one behind on more than one occasion!    I would not be a good bus driver, counting to make sure all the children are present. Bus seems full, let's go!

 This is Super Buddy!  He secretly LOVES his new cape.

This is Sam. Looking to turn my grass yellow, or brown. Just depends.  You can trip on Sam's poops and hurt yourself.