My Maisy passed away last night. She was 17 years and 1 week old. She had bladder stones and her kidneys were failing so I let her leave this earth peacefully, gently, and with dignity at the hands of my trusted vet. We did it at my home and her ashes will be spread in my back yard, and off the back of the boat into the lake where we lived together for 10 wonderful years. These are two places she loved. She joins her brother-husband Harley in death and is running with him once again in some parts unknown.
Maisy was a purebred boxer, rescued from a kill shelter. She enjoyed cart rides, walks, boat rides, truck rides, snoring, sleeping on the couch, eating, passing gas, and love. She also had doggie dementia late in life which made her even cuter to me. She was almost 7 when I rescued her, thus she lived a long full life. Up until the end she enjoyed her daily walks and golf cart rides, and never lost her gusto for food. She is survived by Sam (adopted son), Shanti, Buddy, and Riley (foster).
Maisy always wagged her nubbin and shook her butt for company. She was a crowd favorite due to her sweet loving nature. We will all miss you ole gal. RIP my beloved Maisy Moo. Thank you for enriching my life. Be free once again.
Maisy with Harley approximately 6-7 years ago.
( They were not supposed to be up on the couch but they always did what they wanted anyway- they had spunk)