Tuesday, February 12, 2013

House Breaking Tips for Dogs

If you have any to offer me, I welcome them from  my readers.  I often foster adult dogs who were never house broken and they can be the hardest to train. I also find hound breeds pretty slow to learn but all dogs can!

1.  Kennel them and use the same one word command to take them out to "pee".  Take them straight out when it is time to go "Potty" and show them the spot/area. Once they do pee/poo, have a small treat ready. Most dogs will respond to treats (positive reinforcement).  And say "good dog".  I use the same command for pee and poo. Basically means go to the bathroom HERE.

2.  Take them to the same spot each time, ideally where other dogs go.  You can use a spray to encourage them to a certain area.  You can find these sprays at pet stores and Walmart.

3.  I am not crazy about pee pads but hey, they work for some people.  I prefer doggie doors, yards, walks, etc. But if someone can give a good dog a good home, and this is the way they can allow them to do their business without suffering- then ok.  But you are teaching the dog to go "pee" in the house.  To later break the habit can be hard.

4.  If you catch them in the act and reprimand them. Just say "leave it" or shake a can with some rocks in it.  You have to be sneaky and follow them around. Learn the signs before they go. Once you see them sneak around to pee, catch them and they will quickly learn not to pee in the house.

5. Boy dogs will obviously try to mark their territory and corners especially.  Have them neutered. That helps.  And you have to wait a couple of weeks for that to "take" and for them to settle down. So give them time and keep working the steps.

6.  Using the word "no" means almost nothing as we say "no" to a lot.  Be specific.  "Leave it". "Out".  "Drop it", for example.

7.  For girl dogs they make pads for when they are in heat and you can use those for peeing issues. They may get a rash so never leave a wet diaper on them.

8. For boy dogs they make "belly bands".  They look like a weight belt around their middle. You place a maxi pad in the middle, strap it on, and they can pee in it while being trained. They can also get a rash so never leave a wet pad on them.

9.  Be careful not to let your dog go out in a pad as they will pee in it outside and then will do the same inside. You have to teach them not to pee in the pad they have on when inside. Just take it off when you let them out each time.

10. Cover the pee smell by cleaning with disinfectant, then wiping down with white vinegar thoroughly.  It helps cover the smell. You can also use bleach but it is not really safe for humans or dogs long term.  They will pee again if they can smell pee so you have to treat carpet, furniture, floors and walls if they pee there. Vinegar does not bleach things out.

11.  I learned that dogs pee if they have separation anxiety, even if you are just leaving a room. They pee when alone to almost comfort themselves. It is not always about dominance in the house.  Understand that, keep the dog close while in training and be supportive if it has an accident. Yelling makes the dog more nervous and have more issues.

12.  If you dog is still peeing, especially in certain areas, I recommend the spray below. You can find it at any Walmart.  You do have to spray it daily as per directions but when you do, seems to break the dog of peeing in that spot and so far, the spray has not affected any of my wood, carpet, metal or floors.  I use it outside too.  Try it!

What? You mean sit back THERE?!

I am not sure I follow... - Sam