Saturday, April 30, 2016


Every day I take my dogs on a walk through a wooded area.  Today Shanti was leading, walking in front, Sam was riding the golf cart, with me and Buddy was close behind in his wheelchair in his own world.

As Shanti runs ahead to lead, the golf cart spooked a large squirrel and it darted across the path and slammed right into Shanti's front leg.  It tripped her up, and the squirrel tumbled and was dazed for an instant.  I knew it was over for this squirrel.  Shanti shook her leg and never glanced at the squirrel being the oh-so-great hunter that she is today.  She just kept marching right along, happy to be on a walk.  My black beauty queen isn't about to chase her dinner.

Seeing this all unfold before us, I knew for sure Sam would be hot on that squirrel's tail.  But alas, it was HOT outside mom, Sam is hefty, with a lazy streak. He looked at me as if to say "must I"?  He didn't.

I didn't worry about "Blind Buddy" seeing it.  While he IS my only hunter in the pack, he has weak retinas and was blind when I adopted him (juvenile cataracts- had surgery and doing fine but not great vision).  And he is in a wheelchair now.  And he didn't see it. But just as we got close to home, one darted in front of him and it was on. He was in HOT pursuit, rackity wheelchair a rollin after the grey squirrel as it dashed up a tree.  Buddy rammed the tree, but did not attempt to climb it and just flip his wheelchair like he has before.  But he had it treed and that is what counts. Good boy.

A great feel good rescue story.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The life of a dog parent...

I return from my vacation, ready to meet and greet my babies as I have missed them. And so the story goes:

1.  I let Buddy out when I arrive and his NEW wheelchair literally falls apart and dumps him into the flower bed.
2.  Go down the NEW handicap ramp built for Buddy, slip and fall. Buddy has accidently pooped on it, my slippers hit it and slidding I went.
3.  I put Shanti's seizure meds in her food, she walked away and Sam ate all her food while I was not looking. He has slept all day. 
4. We go for a ride in my truck (I upgraded to a 4 -door so everyone can have space) and they all insisted on cramming upfront (Shanti likes to growl at anyone near her).
5. I put Buddy into his backup wheelchair (also brand new) and he flips it off the handicap ramp and has to be rescued.
Yep, it is good to be home!

(Mom why are you sitting upfront crowding us when you have room in the back?  PS- I licked the opening in your coffee cup- and yes, I ate my own poop this morning)