Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter Everyone!

Can someone come peel my little round egg out of Shanti's bed?
(Maisy is just too cute. Drizzly day- snoring, packed in tight)

That's right rower. Roll up those sleeves and let's get crackin.

This kayak is not going to propel itself there candy ass.  AND I see something I need to go check out. MUSH!!!  - Shanti Baby

Saturday, March 30, 2013


 Hey, leave the keys so I can listen to the radio. - Sam I am.

When I said I wanted a stuffed toy for my birthday, this is not what I meant.

I am just relaxing. Go ahead, tell me about your problems. Start with the one where your dogs get on your new leather furniture. That one always kills me.

I keep watching but still no cake and ice creme.  I better not get screwed on my BIG 0-5 Birthday.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Let's head over this way son. She is whistling at us like we are dogs.

Mom- Why are humans so dumb?

Don't worry honey. Strike a pose and they will give us a treat.  I just hope they do not asked us to "speak" or "sit" for them. OMG.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kiss me big girl.

You missed your chance on St. Patty's Day.  - Finnigan to Maisy
"I can't watch another sloppy attempt at a kiss" - Truman

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You are never too old....pass it on.

You know, I get comments everywhere I go riding around with my 4 dogs.  They are a license for friendly dog people to come up and talk to me.  And I like that.

I remember an older gentleman in my neighborhood always riding around in his car with his golden retriever. One day I saw him without his dog and I asked about his dog- of course she had died. He lives alone, probably in his mid 70s and just did not feel like he should get another dog at his age. WHAT?  I told him he does not have to get a puppy. He can get an older dog- good manners- from the golden retriever rescue.  At least I had planted the seed.  He did not know about rescue organizations.

Then very soon I saw him pass me in his car, all smiles, with a new golden retriever that was about 2 years old I am guessing. I see them a lot riding around together, each others companion.  Even if someone dies (we can all go any time), you give a dog a loving place- and another chance at life. You extend their life. And they give us great companionship....often the elderly need it most.

So recently I was at a rest stop with my 4 children and an elderly couple walked up to me and said "we are admiring your dogs".  They had just lost their dog of 12 years and were still very sad about it. I told them all of mine are rescues and plenty out there need a home.  They said they were too old to get another dog- would not be fair to the dog. (This couple was probably in their 80s but very active/spry).

I told them they could adopt an older dog, one to keep them company. I even notice of late how my mom is extra tender to my old dog Maisy (16) because she understands aging- less energy, more aches and pains, but still want love, laughs and to be held.  I could tell the couple was thinking about adoption as they walked away so I hope they go and find an older dog.  Senior dogs are great and it is easy to find good, well trained one.

So never let anyone think they are too old, for anything. Much less love.

Neck's fine. Why do you ask?

Maisy Moo relaxes in a kennel that looks a lot like hers....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Let me in. Can't you see it is "weather" out here?

And would it kill you to fire up the grille and fix me a little something FRESH and not from a can or bag? - Shanti Baby
(It has been covered so long I forgot we even HAD one...)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

IfDogsTalked on Facebook

For all your FB lovers out there, please check out the postings on this page for funny animals pics/captions from others each day and information on dogs.  Please "LIKE" if you do!

Much thanks.

Help, she is choking me!

Just kiddin. - Sam, I am in love

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Girls day out means...

Out on the porch about 5 feet from door. You girls be careful out there now, you hear?
(Shanti and Maisy in a very rare shot in close proximity)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Worst Trail Dog EVER-

I walk my dogs on a cross country/mountain bike trail.  Then I run it, sometimes with Shanti.  She is bad enough.  Then this week I decided to let Buddy Love run it with me instead since he is full of hyper energy.  Wow.  As if the course is not challenging enough- Buddy hasn't a clue how to run on a trail.

First, Buddy gets really excited and runs far ahead. Then he stops and waits, looks back for you to catch up, but doesn't take off when you do. So you have to stop or run over the little bugger. He then runs just 3 inches in front of you, with his little behind bouncing back and forth- regularly slowing down to glance over his shoulder and smile at me, again causing me to slow down or run him over.

Buddy is not a trail dog. Not an outdoor dog. I had to put on his hooded sweater for this adventure but he was super excited to go.  He cannot see that great and doesn't quite get the concept of following the path.  So he often runs off into the woods, quickly losing his way. I have to yell for him and wait until he finds a way back to me because he is NOT an obstacle dog.

Hmmm.  He won't go into a mud puddle. He won't run through a small creek. He is afraid to cross the little foot bridges.  He is too small to jump the logs (but he will try to run around them).  He got better as we did our 3 miles together, only got lost once where I had to stop and search for him during my run.  But man was he happy running free, back legs a flying- slinging them sideways looking like a frog jumping.  Cute as hell.  Not a trail dog but a good boy all the same and he tries with all his little heart.

And of course, at the beginning and end he must pee on everything over and over, then kick at least 20 times collecting trail mud between his toes and flinging it at me.  What a strong kick my boy has on him!  And me?  I have learned never to chew on hay...

Zen baby. ZEN.

Buddy Love- Every day is a SUN day Sunday.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

UPS Driver- Thank you!

I know sometimes UPS drivers get a bad rap when it comes to dogs. Many of us have heard bad stories. My brother is a UPS driver and I can tell you he would go out of his way for a dog, and he loves his two rescues very much.

Last week a UPS driver received great press/kudos in NY I believe, for helping rescue a stray that was dumped.  And today my UPS driver did me a solid.  After he delivered my box and was leaving, I opened the door to retrieve the package and Buddy Love got out and took off- without his collar.  No big deal, he won't run away but my driver doesn't know that. These guys are in a hurry, on long days and delays are not always welcome.   And there goes my WILD MAN, naked and free at last!

But my driver got out of his truck, and scooped Buddy up into his arms. He told me he was afraid he would run him over by accident. He walked Buddy down my drive and handed the little black and white runt over to me.  What a kind gesture. Then he also told me he has 3 rescue dogs of his own and just had to put down one of his dogs and it was about to kill him. His new rescue is 7 that he just got from a puppy mill bust. It was socially awkward and terrified of everything. I was proud that he took one from a rotten puppy mill.

I think good comes in all shapes and forms and hope that we can all share more good stories as some of these bad people are copy cats and looking for attention.  How you treat animals is generally how you treat others.

So THANK YOU UPS Drivers for your safe driving and kindness to animals. Even crazy Buddy.

Buddy's Mom.

Well, this kayak is not going to "right" itself and jump into the water...

Get crackin' and get that workout going. Paddle me around.  - Shanti 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Today Show- Honey and Badger

Did anyone else see The Today Show this morning? Two beautiful little dogs about 1.5 years old, born without front legs (probably due to over breeding, inbreeding).  Dogs are in foster care, were taught to swim and fitted for front wheels. They get along great and are very happy. Dogs do not know they are "different".
They are looking for their forever homes and after that show, they probably will have one today and I hope they go together.

Good messages- stop over breeding. inbreeding.  Dogs can be happy without 4 limbs. Be happy no matter what- you can do it. Educate public on prosthesis available for dogs.  And the importance of getting your message out.

Check it out - Google for today.  Best wishes to Honey and Badger. Bless you guys and bless your new adoptive family.


Oh, I am so glad to make it out of this kennel finally.

Let me kiss the ground in thanks! - Maisy moo